General Information - The Unofficial Airports Guide

General Information

We've got several tools and pages of general information to help you plan a trip through Asia. Use the links below to find what you need.

Currency Conversion
In most cases, this site will automatically convert foreign currencies into the the currency of your choice shown at left. You can set your currency to your preferred local monetary unit, or use our currency converter to calculate conversion amounts.
Duty Free Price Comparison
If you're traveling through several countries, it may help to know when airports have the best prices on those "essential" requirements, like booze and cigarettes. Check out our price comparison guide to find the best place to make that last-minute purchase.
Feedback Form
If you've found an error, want to make a suggestion, ask a question or just have a comment, we want to hear from you.
Liquids, Aerosols and Gels
Most airports around Asia have implemented the International Civil Aviation Organization's rules limiting the amounts of liquids, aerosols and gels that can be carried on board. If you're not familiar with these rules, read up on them here.


Book Hotels
Get the guaranteed best rates at the widest selection of hotels and resorts.

Airport Transfers & Personal Tours
Book day trips and airport transfers in advance through Viator.

Travel Insurance
World Nomads travel insurance is designed for adventurous travellers with cover for overseas medical, evacuation, baggage and activities such as skiing and snowboarding.